Top 5 Reasons To Jump On Your Bike This Spring!
Mental Clarity & Stress Relief:
As we head into the busiest time of year, it can quickly become stressful and overwhelming. The repetitive motion of cycling promotes relaxation, helping to release tension and anxiety whilst encouraging mindfulness and mental clarity. The Merri Creek trail is a fantastic ride to relax with the wind flowing through your hair, to find more spots to ride check out our blog post.
Building Relationships:
With the weather warming up it is a fantastic opportunity to reconnect with friends, or make new friends who enjoy bike riding, it can also take the pressure off riding solo. Llama is an app started by Chicks Who Ride Bikes, design to connect women who enjoy riding bikes whether it be they enjoy riding weekly or haven’t jump on the bike for years! With regular riding groups across Australia, you are bound to find likeminded women to ride with.
Feeling Empowered:
For many women, riding a bike can be empowering. Whether it be a form of exercise, social connection or a means of transport. Merri-Bek Council’s Wheel Sisters is an initiative aimed at providing trans and cisgendered women and people who are non-binary, with a safe space to learn how to ride a bike, basic skills and group bike rides, if you would like to join in check out their Instagram @merribek.bug
Cleaner Way To Travel To Work:
With day lights savings soon upon us, it is a fantastic opportunity to leave the car at home and bike to work. It can be difficult to find time for physical exercise when working full time, so why not kill two birds with one stone and bike to work and get a cardio workout in!
It’s Fun & Inclusive!
Those that bike ride often describe the feeling of riding a bike to be similar to what they think flying would feel like. It can be a freeing experience that you can’t get anywhere else. When traditional forms of exercising can at times feel daunting, when you’re riding a bike, you're fully in control and completely in your own world. Whether it be commuting around your local area, on the Great Ocean Road, mountain bike riding or at your local velodrome – there is a form of bike riding for everyone!